Wednesday, April 02, 2008

On the Hunt

Senate Majority Leader Joe Bruno must be resisting the urge to say ‘I told you so’ over and over. Same with Assembly Minority Leader Jimmy Tedisco, the recipient of the infamous F’in Steamroller phone call from the disgraced Steamroller himself, Eliot Spitzer.

It looks like the vultures of political trouble continue to circle Spitzer from the Troopergate scandal. Last week, Spitzer was found to have been up to his neck in ordering the outrageous and phony attack on Bruno, via illegal surveillance by the State Police and leaks to friendly newspaper reporters.

Now, Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has been given the power to investigate the whole mess, including the supposed investigations of the Troopergate scandal, the conduct of the State Police and everyone else associated with the mess. This could mean even more trouble Spitzer and what’s left of his gang in state government.

For those who think we are unfairly harsh on Democrats try this on: Kudos to AG Cuomo for his report last summer which helped expose Spitzer’s Troopergate as the fraudulent, illegal action it was, and for new Governor Paterson for giving AG Cuomo the ability to investigate what may be a massive cover-up of Spitzer’s conduct at many levels.

And kudos to Bruno and Tedesco for being among the first to call out the Spitzer Steamroller as a fraud, even when it was a pretty lonely and risky task last year.