Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Ghost Story in Troy-2

Several sharp-eyed readers noted our omission of yet another brush-up between a Rensselaer County Democrat and the law: what about Bob, they asked. Indeed, our deepest apologies go out to Bob Martiniano, Democrat candidate for Troy City Council in District 2, for how could we forget about that cushy patronage job he failed to show up for last year? Alas, there's certainly no better time of year to talk about the Ghost of City Hall than on October 31st.

Bob got busted last June when a CBS 6 news crew decended on City Hall and got statements from city employees about Bob's failure to show up for work, even while collecting a five-figure paycheck from the taxpayers. He's definitely the favorite for the chutzpah award this year, because it takes a lot of guts to get caught ripping off the taxpayers and then offer them an encore performance. Actually having the audacity to campaign on the need to eliminate benefits for part-time employees makes Bobby a superstar in the cojones department (though, not a hypocrite, as he did not say anything about reductions for no-show employees).

If you feel that all these Democrat scandals are getting too numerous to track, relief is coming. We're working on a handy reference for you and other Rensselaer County voters so you can keep track of which misdeeds your local Democrat candidates have been caught up with. Check back Sunday evening for more.