Monday, January 19, 2009

History, Change and Stuff

The whole inauguration thing is getting pretty exciting. It's big, important, with a lot of Hollywood stars saying big and important things near any statutes or monuments of Lincoln. Big stars like Denzel, Tom Hanks and Jamie Foxx and not so big stars like Steve Carrell. Plus some good bands, like U2 and Bruce Springsteen, who are also big and important. John Mellencamp is so important, he was sound checking during a typically weird and unsettling speech by incoming VP Joe Biden. And Bon Jovi, who you can tell is not as important as Bruce, because Bon Jovi didn't get to sing with a choir like Bruce did.

We Are One is the theme, which doesn't seem to leave much room for dissent or disagreement during the next four years. The Patriot Act is one thing, but peer pressure forcing us to be united is entirely another, especially when the peer pressure is coming from Denzel, Jamie Foxx and Tom Hanks. But hold off on the Orwell references for now, because this is also HISTORY.

And expensive history, too. Despite the recession, or other fiscal kind of thing started single-handedly by outgoing President Bush, the Obama Dems are spending $125 million on the inauguration. This is a lot more than either of the inaugurals held for Bush before he started the recession on his own. But don't get them wrong: Obama and his gang are still concerned about the fiscal stuff and still want hope and change.

If you missed the opening day of the month and a half long inaugural here is a recap: History. Change. One. Challenges. Lincoln. America. Obama. Hope. Lincoln. Promise. Chicago. FDR. Kennedy. Depression. Promise. Obama. Lincoln.

It's all kind of like Live Aid, but imagine Live Aid at the Lincoln Monument, without a Led Zeppelin reunion and everyone wearing jackets because of how cold it is. And there's more shout outs at the inauguration than at Live Aid: "Chicago in 'da house, yo!" "Chi-Town, stand up!" Not exactly "Ask not what your country can do" or "The only thing we have to fear", but remember, this is about change.

Darn, it's so inspiring, so big and important that it probably takes $125 million to convey the bigness and importance, the hope and the change. After all, there are recessions and layoffs and serious stuff going on about fiscal things, but we've got a party to throw. And all this importance and hope and change shows that we can't just, you know, appoint a new Senator who has, you know, done something so ordinary, you know, so mundane, as to have held elected office for years, you know, and know about issues and stuff. We need a Senator who is concerned about hope and change, fiscal stuff and history. Who may be friends with Denzel, Tom Hanks and Jamie Foxx. So bring on Caroline.